May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
-An Irish Blessing
The name Tom O’Brien has a special ring in the halls of Senator O’Connor.
A spiritual leader at the heart of the community, his compassion, grace, and calm demeanor was a constant reassurance to both staff and students.
A teacher, Chaplain, and coach, Tom had an enduring way with students. He is remembered for his congeniality, philanthropy, and passion for golf.
A gifted storyteller and musician, Tom knew how to bring people together. For staff, no Irish Dinner was complete without the strum of his guitar and a rousing chorus of The Wild Rover and Black Velvet Band.
One of Tom’s special talents was his musical send-off to newly retired staff. These songs, personalized to the lyrics of Danny Boy, are fondly remembered and still greatly missed by the school community.
In honour of Tom, and to celebrate his warmth, geniality, and love of the game, it was only fitting that this 60th anniversary golf tournament be named after him - a man with both a beautiful golf swing and a beautiful heart.
Sunday May 28th, 2023
Location: Deer Creek Golf & Banquet
ADDRESS: 2700 Audley Rd N, Ajax ON
Registration at course begins at 12pm
Shot Gun Tee off is 1pm
Food and Cocktails to follow